Michigan HAM Clubs
SARA Michigan Clubs ~ last update: 06 Sep 2022
Michigan Ham Clubs
Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association [SARA] wishes to make it easy for you to find other Michigan ham clubs. We are aware of the following clubs in Michigan that have additional information you may wish to view and use. Please contact these clubs directly, if you are interested in further information about them. If you have additional clubs or information to be listed here or corrections to what is here, please contact us at: SARA w8qqq@arrl.org / W8QQQ <Email>.
*** CLUBS always like visitors! if you are traveling in an area, check for a local club! ***
For a larger list of clubs you can check the ARRL website: ARRL ~ Find a Club.
Hint: Use a 'google search' to quickly locate a city or county name in this list.
"**" in the list below, the double asterisk in front of the club web link means a hamfest/swap is usually a club event.
Check SARA's Hamswap links page 'Ham Info ~ Misc' and then "Ham Swaps' links.
Michigan Club Listing
** Adrian Amateur Radio Club {Lenawee County} ~ W8TQE - Meeting schedule, membership application, newsletter, directory of officers and members, information about licensing classes, photos, and the annual hamfest. Meet last Monday at 7:30 PM
Arrow Communications Association {Wayne & Washtenau Counties} ~ W8PGW - Meets second Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at the Washtenaw Red Cross, 4624 Packard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI. See Web page for Club officers, calendar of events, repeater information, contact and location details.
Bay Area Amateur Radio Club {Bay County} ~ KB8YUR - Newsletters, club officers, calendar of events, picture gallery, repeater information, contact and location details.See the 'Facebook Page' for other information: Facebook for BAY Area Amateur Radio Club
Black River Amateur Radio Club {Van Buren County} ~ K8BRC - Club announcements, photos, forms and documents, contacts, classifieds, and repeater information.
Blossomland Amateur Radio Association {Berrian County} ~ W8MAI - Membership details, frequency information, current radio rosters, and related links.
Branch County Amateur Radio Club ~ WD8KAF/KD8JGF - ARRL affiliated club, county hams map, newsletters, meeting minutes, photos, and related links.
** Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club {Ingham County} ~ W8MAA/W8PLP - Historical information, details on news and events, archived facts, and contact lists.
** Chelsea Amateur Radio Club ~ WD8IEL - Features meeting schedule, repeater information, events, nets, the hamfest, and pictures.
** Cherryland Amateur Radio Club {Traverse County} ~ W8TCM - Club minutes, swap, member directory, assistance for licensing, and meeting information.
Eastern Michigan Amateur Radio Club {Port Huron, MI} ~ K8EPV - Meets 1st Tuesday at 7:30 PM at St. Clair Co. Airport - 'Old Terminal' (Not in July/August)
Ford Amateur Radio League ~ Ford Club is a member of the ARRL Affilliated clubs. See their site for information. Meets 2nd Thursdays at 6:00 PM.
Four Flags Amateur Radio Club {Niles, MI} ~ KC8BRS - Newsletters, Officers, Repeaters, etc.
Garden City Amateur Radio Club ~ Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month (except July and August, no meetings) at 7:00 p.m. at the Maplewood Community Center, located on Maplewood west of Merriman.
** General Motors Amateur Radio Club ~ WW8GM - Club bylaws, membership application, meeting information and minutes, activities, antenna fund donors, and new ham help.
Genesee County Radio Club, Inc. (GCRC) ~ W8ACW - Various programs, activities, radio classes and radio equipment auction. Meets 3rd Tuesday of month in Davidson.
** Grand Rapids Amateur Radio Association ~ W8DC - Official site contains calendar of events, Hamfest updates, repeater information, online store, and news archives.
** Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club ~ W8HP/W8JXU - Club and membership information, events schedule, and contact list. VE Radio license testing at the Oak Park Community Center.
** Hiawatha Amateur Radio Association ~ K8LOD - Club information, events schedule, and contact list. Marquette County.
Holland Amateur Radio Club ~ K8DAA - Club history, membership, meeting times, upcoming events, and repeater frequencies and schedules.
** Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club ~ W8VY - Promotes self-improvement, experimentation, education, meeting information.
** L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club ~ N8LC -- Newsletters, repeaters, nets, etc.
Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association ~ W8LAP - News and event updates, photo gallery, list of members, and related links.
Livingston County Amateur Radio Public Service Corps ~ N8EOC - Public Service club for Skywarn and other emergency communications.
Livingston Amateur Radio Klub [LARK]~ W8LRK - ARPSC/RACES Group in Howell, Michigan. Club updates, articles, calendar of events, and membership and events information.
Livonia Amateur Radio Club ~ K8UNS - Meeting information, upcoming events, newsletter, activities, repeater information, and club contacts.
Lowell Amateur Radio Club ~ W8LRC - Features an events and announcement section, includes calendar of activities, club history, by-laws, and other web links.
Mad River Radio Club ~ K8MAD - Contest enthusiasts. Presents a roster of members, bylaws, newsletters, and related links Sponsor of the MI-QSO Party in April.
Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance ~ Commerce Park, MI. - W8USA is call.
Michigan State University Amateur Radio Club ~ W8SH - Club Information.
** Midland Amateur Radio Club ~ W8KEA - Club updates and announcements, bulletins, picture gallery, club resources, calendar of events, and related links.
Milford Amateur Radio Club ~ W8YDK - Milford and Highland area in Michigan. Contains an events calendar, site resources, hamfest, and contact list.
** Monroe County Radio Communications Association ~ W8DWL - Milford and Highland area in Michigan. Contains an events calendar, site resources, hamfest, and contact list.
Motor City Radio Club ~ W8MRM - Features general club information, membership details, amateur radio licensing, and upcoming events.
** Muskegon Area Amateur Radio Council ~ W8ZHO - MAARC membership meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at MAARC Clubhouse, 2888 Scenic Drive, Muskegon, MI 494452. Site has monthly newsletter.
Novi Amateur Radio Club ~ N8OVI - Club Information, newsletter, etc.
Saginaw Valley Amateur Radio Association ~ K8DAC - Officers, newsletter, events, etc.
Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association ~ W8QQQ {OWOSSO} - Amateur radio group in Owosso, Michigan. Hey we promote our own club!
South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club (SLAARC) ~ W8SL - ARRL affiliated club with members from the southeastern Michigan area.
** Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society ~ W8DF {MARSHALL} - Amateur radio group in Battle Creek, Michigan. Information on activities, repeaters, testing, officers, and meetings {Crossroads Hamfest}.
** Straits Area Amateur Radio Club (Up/Lower Peninsula Counties} ~ W8GQN - Provides communication service in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula and southeastern part of the Upper Peninsula.
** Thunderbay Amateur Radio Club - Alpena area ARRL affiliated club.
Top of Michigan Amateur Radio Club ~ NM8RC - Gaylord, Michigan based club with special presentations held monthly. Site contains details on membership and activities.
** Utica Shelby Emergency Communications Association ~ K8UO - USCECA Club information, projects, membership, and events.
** Wexaukee Amateur Radio Club {Wexford/Missaukee Counties} ~ K8CAD - Club meetings with a calendar of activities, picture gallery, and downloadable club documents.
Other Ham Clubs of Note (Outside Michigan)
SARA would like to track other clubs efforts & successes (not just Michigan). We will keep a "small" list here for our use in watching these clubs. Hopefully, they may lead us toward methods to better our own club! We tend to like some with GREAT newsletters with large amounts of content.
Norwich England Radio Club - Club's use of Facebook Videos on many topics.
Portage County Amateur Radio Service ~ K8BF - {Ohio} Winners of GL Division Newsletter Award 2017. 2018 Dayton 'Club of the Year' Award. {From their homepage, just click in the Archives to view newsletters.}
Surrey British Columbia Club site - Talking of newsletters, checkout issues in their archives - lower right side menu area. Ham operating/construction/Arduino articles a plenty. Their newsletter is more like a magazine with lots of construction and history for any ham.