Video Call Setup
SARA Video Call Setup ~ last update: 01 Nov 2023
SARA Video Call Setup
Started Video Zoom Meetings - 11 April 2020 [Due to Covid 19]
Visitors are Welcome to all of our club meetings via any means!
Starting in March, 2020, due to Corona virus [COVID-19], social isolation became important. In order to accomplish our club meeting actions, we decided to do a "video conference" style of meeting via Zoom Meeting (was Google) starting with the April, 2020 meeting. Thinking all parties may not have experience using this technology, we will try to deliver method details for you to setup a computer system for checking into the video conference. You will need access to a computer system with sound card and preferably with web camera capabilities and of course an internet connection.
Restating: You will need a computer with sound input/output and preferably a web camera. Most newer laptops have these 'built in'. Many desktop systems can have these added in. We assume you will be able to work that step out on your own (proper install of a microphone and web camera can be searched on the internet). You can call in from a smart phone for 'conference call' {phone only} type connection. You could use a 'tablet' but they have their own set of issues (you are on your own here).
We are aware of the potential security risk on the Zoom application, but we do not believe we have sensitive information that we will be discussing. Just,'Be Aware' that anything said on the call may be picked up by others and meeting conversations should be considered Non-confidential.
Overview of Chrome for Video Conference Setup:
A 'Gmail' email account is highly suggested and we believe that Google Chrome will be the best web browser to support our Zoom efforts.
See the top of left side menu for link and password information. We will probably start the meeting's Zoom call about 6:50 PM and lock out new connections to Zoom about 7:10 PM ~ helps with security. For our ARES meeting we are on about one hour earlier. The following are the steps you need before attempting to connect:
Get/use a Gmail email address. Gmail Site.
Download/Install Google 'Chrome' Web Browser. Google Chrome Page.
Video conference invitation link is in menu on left. When you enter that link information you will automatically link to the call.
We have been using this method since April, 2020 and it has worked well.
Methods into Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID 131 210 639 ~ From Dennis Phillips, KC8ETW
Password: 190320
Directly Join Zoom Meeting (computer), in your browser use this URL. this is the "URL" for our meeting linkup in Chrome.
NOTE: the meeting I.D. information for the ARES & SARA meeting is specific and is 'broadcast' (available) thru the following information paths:
+ + + + + + + + Some Other Methods follow + + + + + + + + +
One tap mobile connection:
+16468769923,,131210639# US (New York)
+13126266799,,131210639# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location:
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 131 210 639
To find your local number:
+ + + + + + + +
Join by SIP: US East US West
+ + + + + + + +
Join by H.323 (US East) (US West) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)
Meeting ID: 131 210 639
Password: 190320
+ + + + + + + +
Join by Skype for Business
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Changing Your Zoom Background
Here are the basic steps to add a background image to your Zoom meeting.
How to change your Zoom background on the desktop app
Before joining a meeting:
Download the Zoom app for Windows (or Mac)
Open the Zoom app and sign in.
Click your profile picture, then click on Settings.
In the left menu bar, click on the Virtual Background tab (if you don't see this tab, log in to the Zoom website, go to Settings and toggle on Virtual Background).
In the Virtual Background tab, select one of Zoom's defaults or upload your own image (there are many on the internet you may wish to use).
If you have a green screen set-up, you can select that option, if not deselect it.
To add your own image {or a video}, click the + icon and upload from your computer.
After joining a meeting:
At the bottom of the client, click the up arrow next to Stop Video.
Select Change Virtual Background.
Basically, you store an image on your computer and then select the image to use inside the Zoom app. Finally tell Zoom to use the image. It is easy to use. Best results if you have a "Green Screen" behind you when using Zoom.
Meeting Information [ARES & SARA]
ARES - Skywarn
ARES & Skywarn Meetings
ARES / Skywarn meeting dates are as follows starting at 6:00 PM local on the second Tuesday of the odd months. We will continue using 'Zoom Meeting' for all meetings.
SARA meetings start at 7:00 P.M. (local), except the December meeting. December is the "special dinner" outing with the spouses invited.
Thus, December meeting has a different location and start time.
NOTE: We sometimes skip the month of July due to 'busy summer' activities, contact us to be sure before making your plan.
The club radio station, W8QQQ, is still in a state of flux. Watch SARA minutes for status reports as we make changes.
We activate the club station, W8QQQ, for many contests and by appointment. Contact us for arrangements if you would like to use the station.