W8QQQ Site Map

SARA Home Page ~ last update:  10 Jul 2024

To assist you in getting around our site, the following layout may help: 

Please remember, "The 'menu text' at the top is a live link AND the down arrow next to the text may be a 'different link'." - thus they change the path taken  as you view the displayed information .

Note: The actual 'header item link' and the 'down arrow link' are NOT requesting to the same action!

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The '**' denote very Popular Links.

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Home Page ~ Text Links to 'Home Page'
    W8QQQ Site Map (down arrow)

SARA Quick Announces ~ Text Links to 'SARA Announces'
    Announcements History (down arrow)

SARA Club Items ~ Text Links to 'Club History'
**    SARA Events ~ Text Links to 'SARA Events'; front drop down arrow is to 'FD2023'= pictures
    SARA Officers
**    SARA Meeting Details
**    SARA Meeting Minutes
**    SARA Ponderings
    SARA Club History
    SARA Bylaws
    Zoom Call Setup

Misc. Info ~ Text Links to 'Misc. Info' note to say use down arrow menus
**    Ham Swaps
    ARRL Info
**    VE Testing
    County Repeaters
    MI Nets & W1AW
    Michigan Ham Clubs
    Why Be a Ham

       {front arrow leads to these menu items]
        Ham Library Thoughts
        Ham Workbench
        Guide - Considerable Operator's
        Phonetics & Q Signals
**    License Study
    FCC License Info
    New Ham Internet Links
    73 and 88 Origins of the terms 73 and 88

Additional Links ~ Text Links to 'Reference Materials' Lists of Ham Reference sites
    SARA Mathematics Reference SARA's take on some Mathematics
    Website Details Website thoughts {security}
    CW Training Thoughts SARA's approach to CW
    BCB Listening How to approach BCB and what to try