Website Details - SARA
The W8QQQ site is now being created on the Google Sites platform and mapped to our domain (2021).
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Get started with Google Sites More Using Google Sites K8OMS help site
SARA Web Details ~ last update: 10 Jul 2024
Website Domain Name Registration & Hosting:
The site domain name registration is done at 'Go Daddy' and has a subscription cost. Annual renewal is the fourth week of June. SARA prefers to file for two years at a time for cost near $45.00. Our most recent renewal was 23 Jun 2024 {next will be in June, 2026}.
The site itself is hosted under a free account with Goggle.
SARA Web Site Details:
Design concepts used on our site lead to your Internet S-E-C-U-R-I-T-Y ~ know where you are and where you are linking to at all times! It is your responsibility to stay S-A-F-E !
We strive for our web site to provide a good "launching point" for a wide area of ham knowledge and information for use by radio amateurs - for both our club members and all visitors. The concepts of the site design and operation may be of use to someone working on a web site. We believe if all sites followed these concepts there would be less spam and security risks to all users - enjoy. 'Proper' linking protocols assists in all web security. We let the user decide to follow those links or not (greatly reduces 'false' links to undesired linked sites).
Please drop us a comment on your usage of the data provided and the ease of use, or any mistakes on our site. We are open to hints on adding/removing information. It is a difficult task keeping the entire site accurate and up to date, so all feedback is appreciated. Remember this is our hobby and to have fun. 73's - - - the SARA team.
Internet Learning Information:
What makes the internet such a great place for an individual to learn? - - - It is that the topic areas covered are unlimited in amount of information provided! The web is very large and many details are out there for you to learn and use on just about any topic {usually for free}. The real challenge is for you to 'quickly find the current and correct' details and know that you have a good, valid resource containing data you find useful. My finding is that the "WiKi" methods are a GREAT method to learn and use! So you ask: "What is a "Wiki"? Carefully Read the page, What is a 'Wiki'? for a great beginning on the concept of Wikis and internet learning. The concept is to provide a 'community driven information source' that is constantly being corrected and updated with more details. In my opinion it is a great place to start learning on any topic. The 'Wiki' is in a sense managed by the same group that gives us 'Wikipedia' but has several other areas you should be aware of and use. It is also a huge advantage for any teacher to use in instruction to others. Oh, and it is always 'FREE'. If you add information, then you become part of the WiKi and become responsible for educating others .
Practice and learn how to make effective 'web searches'. It is a learned trait to find good information quickly. A skill is something you must 'use' to actually 'learn it' - no shortcuts are available. Efficient learning is based on you actually putting in the hands on work. We suggest that you learn to use You Tube - countless videos on about every topic you can imagine.
The internet can be a safe and powerful tool for you to use. However, there are people out there that wish to steal information and desire to actually hurt you - so please be very careful. Do not click 'fishing links' and be very careful when giving any personal data.