Constitution & Bylaws

of the

Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association

Owosso, Michigan

Revised: November 10, 2022

SARA Bylaws ~ last update: 10 Nov 2022



The Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association exists for the following purposes: To promote interest in amateur radio; to relay messages by radio without charge; to further the public welfare; to advance the radio art; and to foster and promote knowledge of the fields of electronics and communications. No part of the assets of income of the Association shall be the property of the members, but such assets and income shall be the property of the Association.



All persons who are interested in amateur radio with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application and upon such terms as provided in the Bylaws. This includes 'non-licensed' individuals having 'no amateur radio callsign'.



SECTION 1 The powers, business and property of the club shall be exercised, conducted and controlled by a Board of Directors consisting of seven (7) members.


SECTION 2 A President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Board Members (Trustees) at large shall be elected for a one year term at each Annual meeting, by the membership of the Association. These are the Board of Directors.


SECTION 3 Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment of a majority of the remaining Board of Directors.


SECTION 4 No less than seven (7) members of the Association shall be nominated for election to the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board members (3 Trustees) at large, by the members of the Association.


SECTION 5 When it is deemed by the officers of the Association that an officer is no longer willing or able to continue serving the Association, or is not conducting himself/herself in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Constitution, said officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board members. Any officer removed from office, excluding those who have resigned, may lose their membership in the Association for the remainder of their term at the decision of the remaining board.


SECTION 6 All other officials of the Association who are elected, including committee heads and program chairpersons, shall be made responsible for their activities to the Association.



SECTION 1 The President shall preside at all meetings of this Association and conduct the same according to adopted rules. He/She shall enforce the Constitution and Bylaws; shall maintain order according to Robert’s Rules; shall sign all official documents that are adopted by the Association, and perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of President as directed by the members of the Association.


SECTION 2 The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall also have the duty of being the Special Events Chairperson and shall be responsible for liaison with other special events organizers and shall perform any other duties as directed by the Association.


SECTION 3 The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit application for membership, carry on all correspondence and read communications at each meeting. He/She shall at the expiration of his/her term, turn over all items belonging to the Association to his/her successor. The Secretary shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President and shall perform any other duties as directed by the Association.


SECTION 4 The Treasurer shall receive and receipt all monies remitted to the Association; he/she shall keep an accurate accounting of all monies received and expended. He/She shall only pay bills with proper authorization by the Association or its Directors. At the end of each calendar year, he/she shall submit an itemized statement of distribution and receipts to the membership. He/She shall at the expiration of his/her term, turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the Association to his/her successor. The Treasurer shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President, Vice President and Secretary and shall perform any other duties as directed by the Association.


SECTION 5 The three elected Board Members (Trustees) at large shall be assigned by the President, at the beginning of his/her term, to represent the Association’s needs and obligations as stated in the Preamble, in the following areas: PUBLIC RELATIONS, ANNUAL EVENTS and AREA CLUB LIAISON. The Board Members at large shall appoint a Board Member at large to assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and shall perform any other duties as directed by the Association.


SECTION 6 Officers must be in good standing with the Association.




SECTION 1 The Bylaws shall be the ruling document for all Association activities/meetings. At these meetings, the membership present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business (no minimum number, but must have a defined officer/board member in a leadership position at the meeting.) 



SECTION 1 The Association, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the organization. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the Association. Dues may be adjusted by a vote at a monthly meeting with a 30 day wait period after announced proposal of a change.


SECTION 2 New members joining after July 1 of the current year will have their dues prorated by 50%. Non-licensed amateurs shall have their entire dues prorated by 50% until such time as they become licensed amateurs. Non-licensed persons shall not vote on the association's items (they are non-voting members).



SECTION 1 The Association shall encourage cooperation to minimize interference in operation between Amateur Radio stations. The Association may formulate adequate plans for disposition of any cases of interference to other radio services where reported. The Association through designated INTERFERENCE and OPERATING COMMITTEES {appointed 'as needed'}, will provide technical advice to members concerning equipment design and operation. The Association will also assist in frequency observance, clean signals, uniform practice and absence of spurious radiation’s from Association members’ Amateur Radio stations.




SECTION 1 The Constitution and/or Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a meeting. Proposals for amendment shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting, provided all member have been notified by mail or email of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or Bylaws at said meeting.


SECTION 2 Members may vote by proxy by submitting their ballot to the Secretary in writing prior to the meeting. The Secretary will cast the proxy votes at the appropriate time.



SECTION 1 In the event of the dissolution of this Association, or in the event it shall cease to carry out the objects and purpose herein set forth, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the Association, dispose of all of the assets of the Association to such an organization operated exclusively for educational purposes and who qualify as an exempt organization under SEC.501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. In no event shall any of the assets or property of the Association go or be distributed to members either for reimbursement of any items donated, subscribed or contributed by such members, or for any other such purpose.



1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the Constitution and ByLaws of the Association and have the same with him/her at every meeting. He/She shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall provide copies to the membership. Upon approval of application for membership, the new member shall receive a copy of the Preamble, Constitution and ByLaws. 


2(a). Applications for membership shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting. Each applicant must express a willingness to abide by the Constitution and ByLaws. Membership applications shall be updated annually via the membership form.


2(b). Honorary Membership or Honorary Life Membership may be granted by this Association by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a regularly called Association meeting.


2(c). Associate and Student Membership may be granted for periods not to exceed one (1) year, by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a regularly called Association meeting.


3(a). Regular meetings of the members of the Association shall be held at a time, date and location fixed by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the regular meeting shall be to receive reports from the officers of the Association, Committees, and to act on any business which may properly come before the Association.


3(b). The Annual Meeting of the members of the Association shall be held each November at the regular meeting. The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to elect members of the Association to the offices of PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TRESURER, and Board members at large.


3(c). Special meetings shall be called by the President upon the written request of any five (5) Association members, to be held at such place as the President shall order. The general membership must be notified not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.


3(d). The Board of Directors will hold regular board meetings as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.


3(e). A quorum at a regular, annual, special, or Board of Directors meeting shall be the members present at that meeting.


4(a). Trusteeship of the club station license shall be held by the highest class license available.


4(b). All Association members holding a valid amateur radio license shall have the privilege of operating the club station and its equipment provided they have been checked out by the station trustee or a designee of the station trustee, and provided they operate only using the frequencies and privileges for which they are licensed.

4(c). Any member may be denied the privilege of operating the club station and its equipment by the trustee or designee of the trustee for the Association’s evaluation and recommendation outlining the reasons for such denial.


4(d). Station equipment shall be maintained according to the state of the art to the best of the association’s ability.


4(e).  Unless otherwise agreed upon, the trustee in charge of the club license shall be Association’s Radio Officer.


4(f). The Radio Officer shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining all of the Association’s equipment according to the state of the art. (Equipment shall mean: all radio transmitters, receivers, antennas, feedlines, towers, masts, test gear, and other paraphernalia (i.e. computers and accessories) that the Association deems falls to the responsibility of the Radio Officer.)


4(g). A log-in sheet for the Club station shall be filled out by all members operating the equipment.


5(a). Emergency coordination and training shall be the duty of an ARRL appointed EMERGENCY COORDINATOR and his/her assistants. In the event there is no such official appointment in Shiawassee County, then the Board of Directors constituting an Emergency coordination and training committee shall assume said duties. {ARRL is the American Radio Relay League, 225 Main Street. Newington, CT, 06111-1494 USA.}


5(b). The ARRL appointed EMERGENCY COORDINATOR for Shiawassee County, or a committee consisting of the Board of Directors for emergency training and coordination, shall comply with all of the guidelines for emergency coordinators as prescribed by the ARRL.