SARA Announces

SARA Home Page ~ last update: 10 Jul 2024

This page is ONLY for "active current topics" for Announcing various Club Items:

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09 Jul 2024 ~ ARES/Skywarn Meeting  'Separate ARES/Skywarn' meeting was moved to be just part of the regular SARA meeting.

13 May 2024 ~ Club representatives will be at Xenia OH swap!

Kevin Middleton has reserved a flea market space for the club to utilize. He has team setup to help manage sales for the entire weekend. If you would like to put out some gear, let him know.

09 Jan 2024 ~ SARA Meeting  - Phil Bates, AC8FW announced his resignation / retirement from the Shiawassee County EC position. Thank You, Phil, for all your service and the things you have done to get the group working at the current level. We wish you well on the next three or four months on your FL travels. and your future retirement plans.  Kevin Middleton and Don Warner will continue as Assistant ECs. Looking for a new EC ~ Anyone interested?

An announcement that starting with February meeting - Technical Information presentations will follow the regular SARA meeting. Dennis Phillips will present "Arduino Basics" to members following the SARA business meeting. Plans will be to post presentation slides on the meeting minutes menu. Goal is to have a new topic at each meeting - would you like to be a presenter? Let us know. Any ideas on what you would like, let us know.


12 Dec 2023 ~ Meeting at Rivals Cafe, State Rd and M-21, was a pretty good time!  Those attending had many prizes to choose from in an auction and lots to talk about. {Thanks Dennis Phillips, KC8ETW.}


11 Nov 2023 ~ December Meeting at Rival Cafe, State Rd and M-21, Social Mtg at 6:00 PM and Dinner by 7:PM. Guests are invited. Contact Don Warner, <> or [810] 599-0729 for reservations (required).


10 Oct 2023 ~ Club Announcement:  Latest VE Testing Scheduled for 26 October 2023 - PW @ 6:30 PM/Test @7:00 PM. At the Corunna EOC, James P. Capitan Building (lower level), 149 E. Corunna Ave., Corunna, MI 48817.

Result: 4 new Hams!


07 Nov 2023 SARA Officer Elections (@ Meeting). 

November 07 - A live meeting at the James P. Capitan Center; 149 E, Corunna Ave.; Corunna, MI and we use using Zoom Meeting at the same time. Building entry requires a carded entry - so pound and yell till we hear you or try calling Phil Bates at [810] 919-9906 Starting at 7:00 PM.

10 Oct 2023 SARA Officer Slate Setting

October 10 - A live meeting at the James P. Capitan Center; 149 E, Corunna Ave.; Corunna, MI and we use using Zoom Meeting at the same time. Building entry requires a carded entry - so pound and yell till we hear you or try calling Phil Bates at [810] 919-9906 Starting at 7:00 PM.

10 January 2023 ~ Free Radio(s)

In the January SARA meeting it was announced that SARA VE Testing for a 'new Ham license' and then attending a SARA club meeting will get a 'new Ham {only}' a brand new Baofeng UV-5R handheld transceiver (free). This is a limited offer for the first five people. Mike, AB8VS, has donated the radios and will assist us in setting the radios up and teaching any new ham how to get started. Some details will be provided at the SARA VE testing sessions. 

07 Jan 2023  World Clock {free} Software - New Version 1.3.8
Simon Brown [G4ELI] of 'Ham Radio Deluxe' fame, has a new version of 'World Clock' software {free} that runs under the windows operating system. It has many different screens to chose from and will track satellites, shows sun and moon information and nice ham radio views, gray line displayed, etc. A great addition to your shack. Please consider a small donation to keep him going! See: