SARA VE Testing ~ last update: 09 Jul 2024

Next Scheduled event ~ 22 Aug 2024 @ 6:30 PM - You MUST Pre-register!


10 January 2023 ~ Get a FREE RADIO(s) - New Ham after a SARA VE session and Attending SARA Club Meeting

In the January SARA meeting it was announced that SARA VE Testing for a 'new Ham license' and then attending a SARA club meeting will get for a 'new Ham {only}' a brand new Baofeng UV-5R handheld transceiver. This is a limited offer for the first five (5) people. Mike, AB8VS, has donated a supply of radios and will assist us in setting the radios up and teaching any new ham how to get started. Details will be provided at the SARA VE testing sessions. You pass your first license test (any Class =Tech/General/Extra) and attend the next SARA Club meeting, where you will be awarded a new hand-held VHF transceiver. October Testing session Oct. 26, 2023 will be first opportunity.

** We are down to four (4) radios left following KE8ZKZ's new license and meeting attendance. Congratulations Terry! ~ 11/12/2023


SARA's VE Testing ~ Plans

The following SARA VE testing dates have been established! {4th Thursday during 'even numbered' months.}

Location: James P. Capitan Center, 149 E. Corunna Ave., Corunna, MI, 48817

Dates/Time:  Time for all events:  6:30 PM Paperwork / testing 7:00 P.M.

28 Dec 2023

No Feb 2024 Testing

25 Apr 2024

~ Jun 2024 - We cancelled, No pre-registrations on Tuesday, 18 June.  

22 Aug 2024 ~ New Extra Exam Questions Pool

24 Oct 2024

26 Dec 2024

We do require preregistration. If no one registers, we 'cancel the session'. Our VE volunteers travel quite some distance to and from our test site and we wish to not cause them to waste their efforts. We will allow 'walk-ins' if we are having a VE session - a quick call or email can determine our status.

Contact: Don Warner, WB8GUS to preregister: <email> or call/SMS text to [810] 599-0729.


Enter 'South East Building Entrance' and proceed to lower level (basement), stairs and elevator are available. Come on in and the test team will be there.

We suggest you use the ARRL VE Testing locations page to search for any other testing locations or go 'Online' if you need something different from what we offer.

SARA Testing PREREGISTER and Reservation Contact:

A reservation is very strongly requested, but we will accept walk-ins - if we are there. If no one reserves a session, we do not show for testing and sometimes there is a 'last minute' change on location or detail that Don Warner, Testing Coordinator, can assist you with. Please contact him:

      Don Warner, WB8GUS ~ Testing Coordinator

      You can email: wb8gus 'at'  (replace "at" with @) or Phone: (cell/text) [810] 599-0729.

FCC Registration - A Pretest Requirement [FRN and Licensee Fee direct to FCC are required.]

ULS & FRN System Registration ~ You MUST register with the FCC to obtain or change any amateur radio license. The Universal Licensing System [ULS] and FCC registration numbering [FRN]  filing systems were deployed in the Amateur Service on August 16, 1999. To conduct business with the FCC, you must register through the FCC COmmission REgistration System [CORES]. You will be assigned a Federal Registration Number. This number will be used to uniquely identify you in all transactions with the FCC. To conduct business with the FCC you must register in CORES (COmmission REgistration System) and receive your FRN (Federal Registration Number) this is  "Required before you can take the test". This is to ensure your license is processed quickly and accurately through the FCC's Universal Licensing System [ULS]. To do this you must register through FCC CORES and be assigned an FRN. If you are already licensed, you have already registered ~ Check your license on the database to obtain your FRN if you are already licensed.

View the FCC web page New Users guide to the ULS for step by step instructions on the registration process. [GO HERE to get your FRN.] The FCC has taken great strides to make the ULS and the CORES easy to use and has devoted a section of their website to the Amateur Radio Service. Discussion suggests that a "valid e-mail" address will be a requirement to interface with the FCC (probably early in 2021) You should establish your method to meet the new requirement, we would suggest using a 'Gmail' or 'ARRL' based (if already licensed) as these reflectors can establish a long-term 'common' address at the FCC. The FCC is going 'Green' which means interfacing with them will become 'all electronic' and if your e-mail goes invalid then your license will be immediately terminated.

You MUST bring your FRN with you to the test site!  No FRN means you will not be allowed to test! The FCC now requires a $35.00 license fee. You must pay this directly to the FCC  after you are tested! {Required in ten days or less).

List of Other Paperwork Required:

Bring along a photo ID, copy of FCC license (if any) and certificates of completion (if any) [CSCEs]. 

The FCC now requires a 'valid email address' {started July, 2021}.

The paperwork is promptly started on the 'start time' (at 6:30 P.M.) & Testing is 30 minutes after the registration start time (7:00 P.M.) Please arrive by the start time (nominally 6:30 P.M.) to allow paperwork completion prior to testing. If it is a 'special testing' event, start time may vary, but structure is the same. Paperwork and 30 minutes later testing starts.

If you have any special requests, let us know ahead of time. We can make sure we can support your needs.

SARA is certified under the ARRL VEC. SARA usually offers a "special" testing sessions in June (not at the regular time/location). It is normally held at our Field Day site (4th full weekend in June ~ on Saturday). Testing time at this event is different ... check ahead for the details.

Remote Online Ham Exams

Some VE organizations have setup 'do it at home' online exam sessions. SARA does not offer such a service. SARA's suggested path right now is through Ham Study. org. Read their right side 'blog notice' (Press Release), then do the 'Find a Session' link at top of right side links. This is a "free" study and testing site ~ Ignore the 'Buy the App' link - it will tell you it is free. Checkout to connect to their blog.

Our local SARA group found some local concerns and will not pursue in the near future a remote online testing activity at this time.


SARA Testing Schedule [ARRL Ham VE]

We require at least one to Preregister for testing - See Don Warner's [WB8GUS] information above. If there are no 'Preregistered Requests' we  DO NOT HAVE A TESTING EVENT!! {Traveler's Beware!} We 'advertise' as registration required - but do accept walk-ins when/if events are held. But, if no one does a preregistration then "Bingo", there is no testing session.

Current Scheduling is follows. Testing is generally on the "fourth Thursday of even months except February and June". If there is a holiday on that Thursday, then there is no testing for that month ~ mainly Christmas every few years. We skip June's 'regular testing' and use our Field Day site (on a Saturday). February is skipped as some of our VE support staff are "snowbirds". Please reserve your testing in advance to avoid confusion. The paperwork starts at 6:30 P.M. & Testing promptly at 7:00 P.M. Please arrive by 6:30 P.M. to allow paperwork completion prior to testing. We will accept walk-ins if we are having a test session, really do like the preregistration process approach.

SARA tests Thursday, EXCEPT for Field Day Session which may be on a Saturday afternoon ~ see below.

If there are no "Pre" registered candidate(s) for testing we usually cancel the test session... again travelers beware! Check in with Don Warner. Some of our VE's travel 30+ miles to and then again from the test site, so they need to know if someone is coming. {Personal time for our VEs is important!}  If you register and something changes in your schedule, please let us know in advance (appreciate 3 to 4 hours notice if you canceling.

You can email Don Warner, WB8GUS: wb8gus 'at' replace the "at" with @ or Phone: (cell/text) [810] 599-0729.

SARA License Study Useful Web

Our current thinking is that a good written study guide or manual, a few You Tube Videos on the Technician Class License followed by 'practice exams' via internet is the easiest path to a Technician license. A 'Training Class' is not as easy or effective for a person to obtain their first ham license or understand that the internet is a better method. Some reading material, some internet effort, some YouTube videos, and a little personal test study via Web resources is the most efficient path. SARA can hook you up with a knowledgeable ham [we call these helpers 'Elmers'] for answering questions and guidance on a one-on-one personal basis. We want you to succeed, contact a club officer / member and we can get you started or send an email (see page footer).

An individual has access to the multiple presentation and learning paths, with great practice test sessions to followup which insure they are ready for testing {listed below}. The actual testing for a Technician Class license will cost $15.00 for the testing organization and $35.00 for the FCC. It is advised to do this just once in a successful manner and not pay additional fees.

ARRL has also updated its free online review and practice resource, ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio™. 

Some other suggested written material: 

You Tube Lessons {Just watch the movies!}:

Study Exam Sites: {Lots of these can be found}