MI Nets & W1AW
Net Frequencies Information ~ MI Based
The HF Emergency Frequency for Michigan is 3932 kHz ~ if required we use 7232 kHz or 1.892 kHz.Other frequencies may be announced - try searching ARRL.org for additional information during emergency events.Shiawassee County Skywarn/ARES Net
Shiawassee County 2 mtr Net - Weekly on Mondays Every Monday at 7:00 PM (local) on the N8DVH Analog 147.020 +0.600 (100 Hz pl) repeater we have a county wide ARES/Skywarn net. Please check in!
Standard Shiawassee County ARES/RACES Frequency is 147.525 MHz simplex using PL 100.00 Hz. Also, 446.250 MHz is used. The Michigan's State EOC uses 147.480 MHz.
W1AW & Net Frequencies ~ MI Based
W1AW's Phone Bulletin & CW Practice Frequencies:
Listen to W1AW's phone bulletin 0145 UTC on 1.855, 3.990, 14.290, 18.160, 21.390, 28.590, and 50.350 MHz (SSB), as well as on 7.290 MHz (full-carrier, double sideband AM), and on 147.555 MHz (FM simplex). There are CW and Digital transmissions as well. The CW practice transmissions are very popular for those wanting to learn and improve their CW skill sets. See the W1AW operating schedule for full details (or a current QST issue).
Michigan Section ARPSC Net Scheduling:
The Michigan ARPSC Net meets each Sunday at 1700 local time near 3.932 MHz. If conditions warrant, the net will meet near 7.232 MHz. These are the designated Michigan Emergency Frequencies. 1.932 MHz is also a designated Emergency Frequency, but at 1700 local time it is unlikely that conditions would require that frequency.
Net control duties rotate among the various districts with a member of the section staff assuming net control duties on the first Sunday of each month. See MI-ARPSC Net Control Schedule
Nets for CW, Emergency, MARS and NTS
Click the name and it will take you to a Net's "WEB Site", for further information.
MI-ARPSC Net Michigan Amateur Radio Public Service Corps Net (Sunday @ 17:00 local ~ 3.932 MHz or 7.232/1.932 MHz if required
MI-Section Net Michigan Section Net
ARRL Net Directory Start a search on ARRL for a net.
National Traffic System From Westchester County, NY.
National Traffic System History -- Yep, what it says!
CW Nets -- FISTS Net
CW Nets -- From 3905 Century Club
RTTY Nets -- From 3905 Century Club
U.S. Coast Guard -- USCG Amateur Radio Net
Public Service Activities and Section Traffic/ARPSC Nets
All times local (MI), however note that NET time/frequency adjustments may be necessary due to propagation changes. Contact the net manager for alternate frequencies and/or times.
HF MACS - MI Amateur Communications System 3.952 MHz 10:00 Daily
HF UPN - Upper Peninsula Net 3.921 MHz 17:00 Daily; {Noon on Sunday}
HF MIARPSC - MI Amateur Radio Public Service Corps 3.932 MHz 17:00 Sunday
HF QMN - The Michigan Net 3.563 MHz 18:30 and 22:00 Daily
HF MIDTN - MI Traffic Net 3.952 MHz 19:00 Daily
HF(Digital) MIDTN - MI Digital Traffic Net 3.583 MHz {Olivia 8/500} 20:00 Tu, Th, Sat
D-Star MIADS - MI ARES D-Star Net 24 A 20:00 Monday
HF D8EN - District 8 Emergency Net 3.909 MHz 20:00 Wednesday
HF GLETN - Great Lakes Emergency & Traffic Net 3.932 MHz 20:00 Daily
VHF MVTN - MI VHF Traffic Net IRA Link System 21:00 Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun
VHF NLEUP - Northern Lower & Eastern UP Net 146.64- 18:30 Daily
VHF SEMTN - SE MI Traffic Net 146.76- 22:15 Daily
VHF TMMTN - Thumb Mid-MI Traffic Net 147.3- 21:30 Mon~Sat
See the Michigan Section NTS site for some additional Information.
Net Logger Free Software
NetLogger is an amateur radio logging program for members of a "net" and allows keeping track of who has checked in/out and relays information to other users of NetLogger (about every 20 seconds or so). {This is the 'almost instant' messaging you may hear about.} Data can be imported and exported and the program has many, many other features.
Rather than reinvent the wheel here, just use the good information on the Wolverine Single Sideband Net's NetLogger page {meets 3.935 MHz @ 2200 UTC nightly ~ 3 PM local}. That page will explain the NetLogger software and get you started.
How do I get NetLogger?
You can download Net Logger by going to: http://netlogger.org/download.php
Select the NetLogger version ~ based on your computer and OS version of windows or mac.
Enter your Callsign and e-mail address
Click “Download”
Once Net Logger has been downloaded, run it to install the program.
Open Net Logger (click the icon)
See Michigan Section NTS site for additional information.