Announcements History

SARA Home Page ~ last update: 10 Jul 2024

09 Jul 2024 ARES/Skywarn meeting moved to be part of regular SARA meetings {monthly @ 7:00 PM}. 

25 Apr 2024 Dennis Phillips, KC8ETW took and passed VE testing for his 'Extra Class' license. Congratulations, Dennis!

09 Jan 2024 Happy New Year! Phil Bates, AC8FW, resigns from Shiawassee county EC position. Thank You, Phil, for all of your past efforts. Assistant ECs, Kevin Middleton <> and Don Warner, <> will remain at their positions. Also, leaving the SARA secretary position after many years of serve, again thank you.

01 Dec 2023 December Christmas Mtg at Rivals Cafe, State Rd and M-21, Social Mtg at 6:00 PM and Dinner by 7:PM. Guests are invited. Contact Don Warner, <> or [810] 599-0729 for reservations (required).

07 Nov 2023 SARA Officer Elections (@ Meeting). 

November 07 - A live meeting at the James P. Capitan Center; 149 E, Corunna Ave.; Corunna, MI and we use using Zoom Meeting at the same time. Building entry requires a carded entry - so pound and yell till we hear you or try calling Phil Bates at [810] 919-9906 Starting at 7:00 PM.

15 Oct 2023 ~ Latest VE Testing Scheduled for 26 October 2023 - PW @ 6:30 PM/Test @7:00 PM

   Corunna EOC, James P. Capitan Building (lower level), 149 E. Corunna Ave., Corunna, MI 48817.

10 Oct 2023 SARA Officer Slate Setting

October 10 - A live meeting at the James P. Capitan Center; 149 E, Corunna Ave.; Corunna, MI and we use using Zoom Meeting at the same time. Building entry requires a 'carded entry' - so pound and yell till we hear you or try calling Phil Bates at [810] 919-9906 Starting at 7:00 PM.

24 Aug 2023 ~ Live VE Testing Session - Canceled

We had three VEs for the first live testing event, but our candidate had a personal activity the prevented him for testing, so we had no testing.

11 July 2023 ~ Canceled SARA Training Class

Announced at club meeting that plans for SARA hold a 'one day training class' for Ham Licensing have been canceled.

Our current thinking is that a good written study guide or manual, a few You Tube Videos on the Technician Class License followed by 'practice exams' via internet is the easiest path to a license. An individual will have the multiple presentation and learning paths, with great practice test followup to insure they are ready for testing. The actual testing for a Technician Class license will cost $35.00 for the FCC and $15.00 for the testing organization. It is advised to do this just once in a successful manner.

ARRL has also updated its free online review and practice resource, ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio™. 

Suggested written material: 

You Tube Lessons:

Study Exam Sites: {Lots of these can be found}

26 June 2023     SARA Field Day - 2023

We setup the tent 'in the rain' on Friday - and then the rain stopped. Yep, Murphy was there helping us! For some pictures go to SARA F.D. 2023 pictures !

Saturday about 10:00 AM a crew showed up at the Durand Sportsman's Association site at 9951 Prior Rd., Durand. This is a new site for SARA. We unloaded a lot of food into the little cabin (important stuff first ~ near the pistol range) and then started with the antenna setup. We put up three horizontal wire antennas with the pneumatic antenna launcher, two phone and one CW stations. Dennis, KC8ETW, put up a vertical for the digital station to use. We setup three (3) rigs inside the tent, one CW and two for HF efforts - one phone and one mixed digital and phone.

Kevin, K8MID, put up a small vertical for the GOTA station. The GOTA station was 'outside' under an awning off the back of his truck (station 4) and had couple antenna options for that station, one horizontal wire and a short vertical.  We networked the setup and used the latest version of the N3FJP Field Day logging software. A computer at each station communicating with each of the four transmitting locations.

While setting up things we had a few guests and a few additional in the early evening - we tried to take some time for conversations and offered up snacks! Generally, they all declined the offer to operate.  :>(

We had two 'out of state' operators, KQ4LE, Kevin Wood and W8XR, Larry Sheridan joined in all the activities and operated with us. SARA members operating were: Kevin Middleton, Dennis Phillips, Don Warner. Thanks to all visitors and operators!

We had a good time operating and put up a decent score for our efforts. Sunday about 11:00 AM we pulled the plug and tore it all down. The site worked good and discussion ended with "we will try for a follow up next year" (awaiting club approval at the next meeting ~ July 11 and acceptance by the Gun Club.).

24 Jun 2023       Planned VE TEST SESSIONS 

The first live VE testing will start August 24, 2023 at the EOC (Capitan Center). Remaining 2023 sessions will be setup for October 26 and December 28. Spread the word. Preregistration is required. Note FCC CORES site is backup - Remember obtain current  FRN and pay licensing fees, before testing!

22 Dec 2022       {Planned}   VE TEST SESSION 

We have setup the "first" live test session on the 'fourth Thursday' in December, 2022 at the Capitan Center ~ our second in almost three years! See the VE Testing link from the Misc. Info menu item at top of the page for full details. * We cancelled the session due to weather and flu issues. *  Hoping to have a go in April, 2023 = failed.

14 Dec 2022     Testing Plans {22/23} Updated on Website.

14 Dec 2022     Christmas Dinner Report ~ We had 14 attendees ~ food and service were good - company was great! 

We had our own little area in the front and our server worked hard for us. Lots of conversation around the table by all. It was great to have the guests entering into lots of discussions. All were wishing 'Merry Christmas' to all!

13 Dec 2022     Christmas Dinner Meeting (guests invited) RSVP to Don Warner, WB8GUS by 09 Dec. 

Meeting at "Rival's Cafe" with social time starting at 6:00 PM and Dinner at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP (by 09 Dec) number attending <email:> or Text/voice mail/ phone [810] 599-0729.

Come and enjoy the live company interactions!

14 Dec 2022       2023 Officers, Testing {22/23}, Meeting Minutes Updated on Website.

08 Nov 2022 SARA Officer Elections (@ Meeting). 

November 08 - A live meeting at the James P. Capitan Center; 149 E, Corunna Ave.; Corunna, MI and we use using Zoom Meeting at the same time. Building entry requires a carded entry - so pound and yell till we hear you or try calling Phil Bates at [810] 919-9906 Starting at 7:00 PM.

08 Oct 2022 The fall Simulated Emergency Test was held Saturday, Oct 8th, 2022.