SARA Events

SARA Events Page ~ last update: 05 Oct 2024

SARA 2024 Events Schedule

The Events are listed by month. 

SARA Meeting information has it's own Web Page: SARA Meetings

Visitors are Welcome at all meetings and events! So come to an event and see ham radio "in action"! We love "eyeball" contacts, especially with other local hams.

Our local group (SARA) participates in a number of public service events & club operating activities. Please feel free to stop in to any event for a visit, participate and/or operate with us.

The following usually will roll into next years activities (we try to update before current year's 31 Dec).


Winter Field Day

The last full weekend of January {January 27-28, 2024}.

Contest rules are available at online. Winter Field Day Association {external} ~ a printed copy of the current rules at the operating position is recommended. DO NOT FORGET to update your logging program software. An example there were new Canadian sections added for 2023, that caught some by 'surprise'.


ARRL International DX Contest

[Covers Two Weekends / Months]

The third full weekend of February is for CW {February 17-18, 2024} & the first full weekend of March is for SSB {March 4-3, 2024. Looking forward to 2025 and "high sunspot count" event already.

Contest rules are available at ARRL contests {external} ~ you will always need a current set to work from. A printed rules copy at the operating position is highly recommended.

APRIL, 2024

Michigan QSO Party Contest -- [April 20-21, 2024] ~ Sponsored by Mad River Radio Club

See Michigan QSO Party site for details.

Contest is to work as many Michigan counties as possible. We put forth a 'club effort' to operate at central location, but do accept member entries from their home stations (a group contest). Come to one of our club meetings for further details. Contact use if you would like to participate! We can use non-members assistance.

 MAY, 2024

Hamvention Swap {Xenia, OH Fairgrounds} -- May 17-19, 2024 - 3rd full weekend in MAY

The World's Largest Hamfest is always an amazing event... make you plans early. Checkout the various Forums for technical and operating information and education. See their homepage at Hamvention Home Site.

JUNE, 2024

Curwood Days : June 6-7-8-9, 2024

A local four day event will fun for all held in downtown Owosso. They sometimes have the Railroad Steam Engine #1225 - running on special trip excursions. Check them out: "Michigan Steam Railroad Institute" the home of the 'Polar Express' Engine #1225. Note: The excursions ALL sell out very early - plan accordingly.

See current event data at: Curwood Festival at Festival Net.

 Field Day ~ June 22-23, 2024

SARA / W8QQQ Operations

IMPORTANT NOTE: ~ Insure you get the correct weekend {fourth full weekend} and note that there is no "standard" VE session planned for June.

Check the ARRL Field Day Contest Rules page for latest/current information. Recently rules have been updated yearly, so be sure you have accurate information.

The 'radio objective' is to work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. Field Day is to simulate emergency conditions and is open to all amateurs in the areas covered by the ARRL/RAC Field Organizations and countries within IARU Region 2. 'Abnormal situations and less than optimal conditions' means mostly using emergency power and portable antenna installations, like what might be needed to support a real hard emergency operation.

SARA can put you on the air for FD! Usually we have free coffee, so come out and check our operation and enjoy our hospitality and set at a radio. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO OPERATE. A computer logging network is used which links all of our operating positions. The usual plan is to have three stations setups and use a common networked logging system, we may or may not have a special 'GOTA station' in operation (depends on the number of members participating). {A "computer logging system" stores information on the all stations as we talk with them. Talking to the same station (repeat contact) has limitations on what can be included for scoring points, thus it is important to have all stations use 'current data' for all logging and score checking. Rules are can only contact a station on one mode/band combination for scoring during the allowed operating period. Thus in a fixed operational period.}

2024 Planning

SARA does not plan on an operational setup location this year {2024}. We will be operating from home locations for club points. Make sure you have a current copy of N3FJP's logging program for club logging. We will have a 'Field Day VE Session" on Saturday, assuming we have registrations.

2023 Plan Executed

We used the Durand Sportsmen's Association, 9951 E. Prior Rd, Durand, MI
Latitude (N): 42.884 & Longitude (W): -83.974 degrees     Our Field Day Maidenhead Grid Square is: EN82av.

If you can not get to us and still wish to find a Field Day location see: Field Day Locator at ARRL. Almost all club FD sites would love to have you visit/operate, but you should check as a standard practice.

Here is a link to some FD2023 pictures from our FD event.


Michigan Simulated Emergency Tests [SET] -- [about the second weekend of October]

ARES/RACES Member participate in the state/national wide exercise.

We have members of SARA involved and usually have about  three Shiawassee county stations in operation. Recent year's results have been good. Thanks to all those that have and plan to participate.


SARA Club Meeting - November 12 ~ OFFICER Election for 2025

We will have a live meeting and/or you can vote via Zoom and/or we will allow members to vote "by arrangement", contact a current club officer.

November Sweepstakes ~ [Two November Weekends]

CW Weekend is November 2nd ~ 3rd, 2024

Phone Weekend is November 16th ~ 18th, 2024

Contest Period is 2100 UTC Saturday until 0259 UTC Monday

16:00 EST Saturday {4:00 PM} to 21:59 EST Sunday {09:59 PM} in eastern US.

SARA efforts:  Usually plane is to meet at Kevin Middleton's, K8MID, residence and operate from there. We will meet about 2:30 to 3:00 PM (local ~ on Saturday) with a 'pot luck' late lunch {bring a dish to pass}. Also, bring what ever snacks or drinks you wish for the contest period. We will choose a 'logger' and an 'operator' for times during the contest based on who is in attendance get on the schedule and operate!

Contest rules are available at ARRL contests {external} ~ you will need a current set to work from.

Now you need more sections (85) for a "Clean Sweep"! Here is the ARRL Section Abbreviations List {external}. There are 71 US sections and 14 Canadian sections ~ working them all during the contest period is called a 'clean sweep'. It a highly desired status... Good Luck. In 2020 there were 10 CW and 78 SSB sections in the USA and 2023 adds a section and has name changes in the Canadian listing (note: requires new logging software).

Make sure your logging program has all the sections for proper scoring! If using a paper log, you are indeed a brave person.

SARA Dinner with Spouses / Guests ~ 2nd Tuesday in December

10 December 2024 is this years date.

Reservation is required, RSVP by 12/2 to Don, WB8GUS ~ call [810] 599-0729 (or text), or email: wb8gus (at) We welcome visitors that may wish to come along. Those not RSVPing may sit in a corner... you do not want to be on that side of Santa's list {get reservations in early}. The dinner meeting is usually well attended by club members and guests.

The 2023 event had a few prizes for attending and a silent auction on 'wrapped'  items {provided by Dennis Phillips} and proceeds going to SARA's equipment fund

We start about 6:00 PM with greetings (drinks) with the dinner being ordered at about 6:30 PM..

Those attending have a great time and the conversation is active around the table. 73's to all and hoping we see you at the next event. Oh, and always wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!