SARA Meeting Details
SARA Meeting Details Page ~ last update: 06 Jan 2025
SARA's 'Live' Monthly Meetings are held at the EOC in Corunna, 149 E. Corruna Ave. in the Capitan Center.
Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 7:00PM (19:00) local. Still the same in thru 2025. First meeting 14 Jan 2025.
We do use Zoom Meeting if you can not get here in person!
COVID-19 moved us to use Zoom Virtual Meetings. After the COVID Recovery we decided to continue to use 'Zoom' meeting for remote access into our live SARA meetings every month. All are welcome at any meeting.
VE Testing is every other month on even numbered month {see that topics page}.
VE testing, fourth Thursday of even numbered months, has it's own link/page (see item in header all pages). We always start at 6:30 PM (paperwork) and 7:00 PM for testing. ~ Live sessions started back up on August 24, 2023! [We had closed due to Covid-19.]
All Visitors are Always Welcome to club meetings!
All new and prospective hams, as well as the general public, are always invited to our club meetings! Shiawassee Amateur Radio Association's [SARA] meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM, except the month of December. The December meeting is replaced by a dinner event with spouses/guests attending. The December meeting is held at a local restaurant which is decided just before the event. Watch this "Meetings page" for details. It has become quite a 'good time' for the entire families for our members with a chance to learn about each other's 'non-ham' activities and interests..
Meeting Information [ARES & SARA]
ARES & Skywarn Meetings
ARES / Skywarn meetings have been moved into the regular SARA meeting dates and times (09 Jul 2024). There will no longer be a separate ARES/Skywarn meeting. Expectation is topics will be just before 'Old Business' inside the SARA meeting. History has shown that only the same 'core' SARA members seem to participate, so combining seems like a better use of personal resources.
ARES Meeting Dates ~ 09 July 2024 Last Separate meeting. ARES/Skywarn are now a regular part of the monthly SARA meeting! Topics are now reviewed monthly.
2025 SARA Meeting Dates ~ Each month with December exception {no business meeting} location TBD until November.
Regular SARA club meetings start at 7:00 PM local on the second Tuesday of each month. We use 'Zoom Meeting' for those not able to get to the live meeting.
January 14 July 08
February 11 August 12
March 11 September 09
April 15 October 14
May 13 November 11
June 10 December 08 - Christmas Special Dinner Meeting
2022, 2023 & 2024 December ~ Christmas Dinner Specials were at "Rivals Cafe" SE corner of M-21 and State Rd. in Corunna.
We usually activate the club station, W8QQQ, for many contests and can by appointment. Field Day is always an important event! Contact us for arrangements if you would like to use or operate with the club's station equipment.
We do our live meetings and Zoom support at the Shiawassee EOC in Corunna (see this page's header).
The club radio station, W8QQQ, is still in a state of flux (we have no precise location for an install). Watch SARA minutes for status reports as (or when) we make changes.
Zoom Meeting Setup
Thinking all parties may not have experience using this technology, we will try to deliver method details for you to setup a computer system for checking into our Zoom video conference. You will need access to a computer system with sound card and preferably with web camera capabilities and of course an internet connection. Most newer laptops have these 'built in'. Many desktop systems can have these added in. We assume you will be able to work those steps out on your own (proper installation of a microphone and web camera can be searched on the internet). You can call in from a smart phone for 'conference call' {phone only} type connection. You could use a 'tablet' but they have their own set of issues (you are on your own here).
We are aware of the potential security risk on the Zoom application, but we do not believe we have "sensitive enough" information that we will be discussing to be an issue. Just, 'Be Aware' that anything said on the call may be picked up by others and meeting conversations should be considered Zoom is: Non-confidential and an open type of conversation.
We suggest you install 'Google Chrome' as your browser for Zoom calls and obtain a Gmail email address for supporting your Zoom activity. Do the following before attempting to connect. This needs to be done prior to a meeting date.
Get/use a Gmail email address. Gmail Site.
Download/Install Google 'Chrome' Web Browser. Google Chrome Page.
When you start a 'Video Conference' invitation link {it is in menu on left side}. After you enter the link information you will automatically link to the call. You will need the following for our call.
Meeting ID 131 210 639 and the Password: 190320 (we put this in the footer page on every web page).
You can try to directly join Zoom Meeting with this URL: . You will be required to enter the correct password.
You may 'Skype for Business' at: . Here to you will need to enter the password.
That "" stuff is due to the help of Dennis Phillips, KC8ETW, and his 'setting us up' on the MSU system. THANK YOU Dennis!
Contact us if you have any issue and we will try to walk you through it, really it is not that complex when you follow the right process. Under the "SARA Club Items" Menu see "Zoom Call Setup" for a detailed routine. If you have issues contact us.